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DreaMing Deep aNd wiDe

Individual Dreamwork, Dream Circles and Workshops

Individual Dreamwork

I invite you to embark on a dream journey that will help you connect with your inner self and reveal the secrets your dreams hold. As you explore your dreams, you will discover their language and become more in tune with them. You will learn tools and techniques for understanding the symbols in your dreams and the connection between dreams and waking life. By incubating your dreams, you will be able to ask and receive answers from your dream mind.

Magic door with moon and stars

Dream Circle

People have been sharing their dreams since ancient times, and the interpretations of those dreams have had a significant impact on society as a whole. Experience the power of sharing your dreams with others and holding space together. Join Dream Circle, learn different methods of dream interpretation, and gain a deeper understanding of dreams by experiencing many perspectives.

Two hands and two moons


Whether you would like to explore the world of dreams together with your friends and family or add a dream workshop to your event, I am here to help. My offering will be tailored to your needs. In this workshop I'll explain what dream work is and what different approaches to dream interpretation are, share tips on dream recall and dream journaling, and give participants tools that will help them connect with their dreams. 

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